2nd Annual Black Maternal Health Walk
The HIS team is excited to touch down in Atlanta later this week for the Black Mamas Matter Alliance’s (BMMA) 2nd Annual “Black Maternal Health Walk” on Saturday, April 15! Hosted in partnership with SisterSong and Atlanta Doula Collective, the “Black Maternal Health Walk” takes place during BMMA’s national annual Black Maternal Health Week (#BMHW23) campaign and is a chance for you to walk a mile in support of #BlackMaternalHealth!
Read more in this April 7th article by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Registration is REQUIRED and open until April 13th or whenever capacity is reached at http://bit.ly/BMHWalk2023.
LIVE OUTSIDE OF ATLANTA? Check out the official “Black Maternal Health Walk Participant Guide” to find out how you can engage throughout the day from where you are: http://bit.ly/BMHWalkGuide